Hot tub
It's fine, I know bloomers have little to do with hot tubs, and that hot tubs are mostly better enjoyed without bloomers, but I've had so many women ask me how I went about setting up my own tub, that I thought I'd share the process here. Women need to support and empower each other. If we don't try these things, we'll never know the extent of our awesomeness. Half the sky? Yeah, AND the rest. Once upon a time, I soaked in a tub, warmed by wood, accessed by a ladder, in a mist filled field, in...
The Witch's Britches Gift Boxes

What are these boxes? The Witch's Britches gift box is a convenient way of giving a more complete, individualised, and absolutely unique present. The first item to select for your cardboard box should be hand crafted bloomers, or maybe a t-shirt, or a pair of hand-cranked stockings.Smaller gifts which set the scene or continue a theme, are added to the 100% recycled card box to provide the whole caboodle. No shopping around. Easy inexpensive delivery. Add a personal message to a gift tag, if you like. Items are either hand made, ethically sourced, vegan or organic, and with recycled/recycleable packaging where...
So, did Aethelflaed wear bloomers?

So, did Aethelflaed wear bloomers? That's what I want to know! All that horse riding, and time spent around her armies... surely she embraced a few 'manly' ways. She'd not have ridden side saddle, so how did she protect herself? We know that men sometimes wore 'braies' or soft leather against their tender parts. Maybe Aethelflaed also wore leather ... We know so little about women's underwear in bygone days. If they ever actually wore undergarments, its likely the fabric was linen and will have, over time, perished into non existence. And how did Aethelflaed and other women of her...
Khadi. It's more than just a cotton.

Khaadi. Khadi. Khaddi..... Is basically a hindi word meaning 'hand spun cloth'. Of course, it didn't originally need a name because all cloth was hand spun, but if there was a time that it got its 'label', then the origin was probably Bangladeshi. It is a hand spun, hand woven, natural fibre. Most Khadi is pure cotton, but some has silk or wool fibres woven into the yarn. It can feel fine, and the silk gives a cool, slight sheen. Wool fibres add a different feel again. It can also be heavy enough to have a texture of a...
Putting Imbolc Energy Into St Valentine's Day.
So, what do you do for St Valentine's Day? Me neither! I've had the occasional romantic and thoughtfully original Valentine's gesture, and that's pleased me enormously. But is there really much thought put into a Hallmark Card and a box of Milk Tray? Does it make us feel good to give something so 'cheap'? Does it make us feel valued and loved to receive it? The history surrounding our celebration of St Valentine's Day is quite unclear. There were a few notable Valentines in 3rd and 4th century. One of whom secretly performed marriage ceremonies for Roman soldiers, when marriage...